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Talented & Broke FAQ’s

1. How long does it take to get my order?

ANS: All orders are print on demand and ships media mail. You should receive your printed materials within 10-19 days from the day orders or sooner.

2. Can I return the product if I don't like it?

ANS: All shipped products are non-refundable, unless you meet the requirements of our 100% 30 DAY money back Guarantee. See below.

3. How do I know if I'm talented and broke?

ANS: Chances are if you were attracted to any of our talented and Broc titles and products, you most likely are. Also a good visual clue of the T&B syndrome is if you have to decided between buying this product or paying your phonebill….you are talented and broke! 🙂

4. What if I'm not broke but want to learn how to avoid it?

ANS: The Talented and broke products are designed to reveal the things that causes To perform under their potential. At its core these 10 principles in this program are preventative measures and cures.

5. Can I get one on one coaching from the author if my program isn’t enough?

ANS: if you feel you need an exclusive audience with the author you have two options. One you can sign up for the master courses or two, you can sign up at for the business coaching product. Please note that these are 12 months minimum programs.

6. Can I hire the author to facilitate a group course for my organization or company?

ANS: Yes. Please see pricing at DelanoInternational,.com , or call 929-269-2738 to set up a free consultation.

7. What is CPS?

ANS: CPS is an acronym for creative problem-solving. This is a specialized training for all business sizes as well as solo and entrepreneurs. Delanoteaches. High Point principles that help team members and leaders of your staff to create a corporate culture of creativity that solve Problems from the inside protecting the organizations exposure to sensitive intellectual property and processes. perfect for small and large businesses of five or more employees.

8. Is there a certificate after i complete the talented and Broke course?

ANS: for all 30 day courses you will receive a certificate at a virtual graduation ceremony

9. Are there more products in this series?

ANS: there are three more books in the talented series by Delano A. Johnson to come. Talented and successful, talented and rich and talented and wealthy. You are only allowed to purchase these after the successful completion of the product that comes before.

10. How can I get in touch with the author?

ANS: you can reach the Author via social media on Instagram, Facebook, Clubhouse or Twitter by Handel @DelanoAJohnson

11. International purchases and shipping:

ANS: all international purchaseson digital products Will be processed and products are received upon check out via a download or link button. for printed products, international shipping is available and will be quoted separately.

12. 100% money back Guarantee Promise

ANS: we offer a moneyback guarantee within 30 days of all our 30 day programs. Only. You must meet the criteria and requirements. You must complete all assignments and attend all the live scheduled zooms. Failure to miss any part of your program will result in the cancellation of your guarantee. You must also wait 15 days after your completion of the program and be actively working on your product, business, or personal life changes Also recording a daily journal with proof of activity through, phone calls, emails, I Social Media Post, Facebook ads and all other activities necessary to make the changes recommended.

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